It’s been a year since we started Blood and Soil, and while I wasn’t rushing around today I was still half asleep. 🙂

For the last week I’ve had this “flu” which I’ve nearly managed to shake, not as bad as what I normally get but still pretty damn annoying all the same. We think it wasn’t as bad as we “got to it” just in time before it became “serious”.

The last few weeks has seen the death of our laminator, so we decided to buy a new one. Went for A3 this time! Hey why note it was cheap. Got it, nice and big, seemed sturdy and strong. After four sheets (of A6) laminating film wrapped around the rollers. We tried to reverse it, no luck it just scrunched right on up so we told the manufacturer what had happened and they sent out another one and would pick our first one up.

New one arrived and we switched it without any issues. Take 2: Second A3 laminator. Laminated some more A6 sheets and the same thing happened again!! #$%^&*!! Not too happy. Got in touch with the manufacturer again and told ’em don’t even bother exchanging it as we want our money back. Not a problem, got our refund and sent the 2nd A3 laminator back to them and this time picked out a nice A4 one from a local shop so should anything happen to it we can take it back ASAP and not have to deal with shipping and sending.

Laminator dramas were only the tip of the ice-berg when it came to “technology” problems this month as our Canon Scanner died and we had to get a new one. We sprung for a nice “all in one” Epson, so far it’s given us no trouble (fingers crossed). Though hooking it up to the (work) laptop we found that one USB port is dead! #$%^&*. This has not been good, thank goodness I’ve got a USB hub floating around and was able to connect it to the PC. I don’t think I’ll get the laptop looked at as it’s out of warranty and will probably cost a fair bit and take a week or so to get it fixed and this laptop being the (current) school PC, a week is something I cannot afford at this time. Maybe when we buy a dedicated school PC in the future…

— David

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