Once you have found how long it takes for Linux Mint to Boot you can then find which programs / services are taking the longest to run by running the “systemd-analyze blame” command from a terminal prompt.

username@computername ~ $ systemd-analyze blame
         12.157s dev-sda5.device
         11.290s lvm2-monitor.service
         10.284s ufw.service
         10.001s systemd-journal-flush.service
          9.879s keyboard-setup.service
          9.693s run-rpc_pipefs.mount
          9.684s systemd-modules-load.service
          9.253s systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service
          3.073s NetworkManager.service
          2.935s ubuntu-system-adjustments.service
          2.399s networkd-dispatcher.service
          1.722s udisks2.service
          1.309s systemd-random-seed.service
           986ms lm-sensors.service
           967ms apt-daily-upgrade.service
           964ms apt-daily.service
           862ms fstrim.service
           814ms accounts-daemon.service
           667ms NetworkManager-wait-online.service
           614ms gpu-manager.service
           574ms systemd-fsck@dev-disk-by\x2duuid-000fff..... etc
           537ms wpa_supplicant.service
           535ms rsyslog.service
           527ms grub-common.service
           465ms upower.service
           432ms thermald.service
           395ms kmod-static-nodes.service
           305ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
           303ms home-username.mount
           279ms systemd-remount-fs.service
           260ms virtualbox.service
           229ms polkit.service
           226ms packagekit.service
           220ms blk-availability.service
           208ms avahi-daemon.service
           204ms dev-mqueue.mount
           187ms colord.service
           176ms systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service
           173ms systemd-journald.service
           172ms alsa-restore.service
           157ms apparmor.service
           155ms systemd-resolved.service
           147ms systemd-logind.service
           141ms systemd-sysctl.service
           131ms user@0000.service
           129ms systemd-timesyncd.service
           117ms dev-disk-by\x2duuid-00ff00ff\x0f... etc
           111ms dev-hugepages.mount
           109ms networking.service
            89ms apport.service
            80ms sys-kernel-debug.mount
            80ms systemd-udevd.service
            77ms setvtrgb.service
            58ms systemd-update-utmp.service
            53ms sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount
            52ms lightdm.service
            52ms rpcbind.service
            50ms sys-kernel-config.mount
            49ms hddtemp.service
            48ms speech-dispatcher.service
            47ms kerneloops.service
            40ms plymouth-read-write.service
            38ms systemd-user-sessions.service
            37ms systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service
            36ms dns-clean.service
            26ms nfs-config.service
            24ms console-setup.service
            23ms motd-news.service
            20ms home.mount
             9ms rtkit-daemon.service
             8ms ureadahead-stop.service
             7ms systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service
             6ms plymouth-quit-wait.service
             5ms openvpn.service
username@computername ~ $ 

Once you have this (sorted) list and can see how long each program / service takes to start you can then start going through which programs / services you don’t need to start at boot time.


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